Local Boy Does Good

Local Boy Does Good.

Since I was a kid, I had always dreamed of doingsomething that merited an newspaper article…something like “Local Boy Does Good” in my local paper.

Well, yesterday’s article in the Cambridge Chronicle wound up being far better than I could have ever imagined.

Like the Boston Herald article…the newspaper positioning was incredible. In the Herald, you can read the 2-page center spread as a PDF.

This time, I made the FRONT PAGE. Click here to read the full print version of the story. Yet again, you can’t ask for more than that, in either case!

Just totally blown away again, as this kind of stuff NEVER happens, and I’m kind of amazed about all this as I haven’t even left the driveway to start filming yet. The Cambridge Chronicle is apparently America’s oldest weekly newspaper (since 1846), and it’s a real $2 paper you buy at your newsstand. Whoa!

Maybe it should be something like “Local Boy WILL DO Good.” I better hit the road and start doing some good, huh?

A huge special thanks to Mekhala Roy, who did a wonderful job on the story!