Food Biker is a TV/streaming series that follows the culinary motorcycle adventures of chef Seth Diamond, as he learns techniques and recipes from our country’s most inspired chefs and culinary experts.
Join us with this exciting “backstage pass” to some of America’s most exciting kitchens.
As opposed to other culinary travelogue adventures that have already appeared in print or on television, Food Biker differentiates itself by:
- Interviewing America’s top chefs and culinary professionals;
- Learning about American cuisine, from street food to fancy restaurants;
- Emphasizing the mastery of culinary techniques over recipes;
- Discovering what American celebrities are eating and riding these days;
- Exploring America instead of international globetrotting;
- Examining the current American motorcycle scene and subcultures;
- Going on journeys as opposed to randomly spotlighting large cities;
- Giving back to our country while seeing what America is all about today.
It’s not just another cooking show.
It’s not just another travel show.
It’s Food Biker.